
Archive for November, 2009

2 Years, 9 Months-old

Ellie is rapidly approaching 3-years-old. Something tells me the threes are going to be much more wild and fun than the twos!

Here are some updates on Ellie at 2 3/4 years:

  • Ellie is all about being a big sister. Some of her favorite activities revolve around selecting diapers for her brothers, determining which outfits to dress them in each day, and preparing for and giving them baths. These tasks have become so much a part of her routine that she wakes up and immediately asks me if she can pick out the brothers’ clothes.
  • Ellie identifies particular things that are her favorites (i.e favorite outfit, favorite brother, favorite snack, favorite plate, favorite spoon, etc.). Though we don’t see the logic behind why these are her favorite things, her classifying them as such often guides her decision-making process.
  • She has recently taken a liking to Legos, particularly the Thomas the Train set. She is skilled at replicating the pictures of buildings and objects to construct as well as erecting her own designs.
  • She continues to be a child focused on organization and order. Although this may be as much a developmental stage as it is an indication of her long-term personality, it is alarming to see a child imitate some of her parents’ own quirks. For example, she will unwrap an entire package of diapers, proceed to sort them by Sesame Street character, and then place each set of character diapers into its own Ziploc bag and put them back into the closet. She finds this quite amusing and becomes easily upset if we interrupt her or do not permit her to do this. Additionally, she has a particular order of doing things from which she refuses to deviate. For instance, she likes to climb into her booster seat, buckle in BEFORE putting on her bib, and to put on her bib BEFORE she scoots in to the table. I have become so accustomed to observing and following the established protocol that I do it automatically to avoid conflict or tantrums. However, this makes it difficult when Wes tries to take part in our routine as he is not as accustomed to her preferences and she becomes hysterical if the order of things is not just so. This has been an interesting development to watch and I wonder how it will evolve, or if we need to intervene.
  • Ellie slept in a “big girl bed” in the mountains and then came home and looked around to see if her crib had been replaced by a bed. Mom and Dad need to get it together and outfit her with a “big girl” room. Our biggest challenge will be implementing and enforcing the “no pacifier in the big bed” rule.

We look forward to Christmas and all of the fanfare that Ellie will truly get to be involved in this year. It is an exciting time as we develop our own traditions, but also a bit of a challenging time as we balance the demands of the babies with our desire to provide a special holiday for Ellie.  Nonetheless, it is quite enjoyable to see things through the eyes of a child, for whom all of this is observed and celebrated for the first time. We’re incredibly thankful for the joy and laughter our precious daughter brings us. She is a true gift to our family.

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Thanksgiving 2009

Thanksgiving marked the first time that the boys had left Charlotte and the first time that Ellie or I had left since March. This is such a departure from our previous lifestyle (by four months-old, Ellie had already been in 14 states) and we were definitely ready to get away to the mountains.

The children all did well in the car. The babies mostly slept and Ellie did get restless, but we had enough activities to occupy her for the three-hour car trip.

Packing was not nearly as hard as I thought it would be, although I did prepare for several days prior to our departure. The hardest part was being outside of our home with all of the organization and systems we have in place to minimize the chaos and keep us sane. However, the ability to have so many extra sets of hands and NOT be stuck at home outweighed any disorganization or inconvenience we felt.

Here are pictures from Thanksgiving and a few weeks prior:

Meeting of the minds

The group therapy facilitator

Three little monkeys: Jack, Thomas, & James

Ready to brave the cold!

Family Photo

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Three months-old


Jack, looking awfully serious


Mommy lost this staring contest

Thomas, not eager to smile

Thomas, not eager to smile


This perfectly captures Thomas' reaction when he does not want to be put down


James, another serious child


James and Jack (and to think we once fit all THREE in this boppy!)

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Halloween 2009

Here are our cute cupcake and three peas in a pod (or three peas in three pods to be precise):


James, Thomas, Ellie, and Jack


Ellie, the cupcake




Mommy with Jack



It was fun to enjoy Halloween with Ellie, who could truly appreciate it for the first time.  I was not a fan of the attention given to us during our neighborhood parade, but the highlight was being able to trick-or-treat with Ellie and Wes without the boys (thanks Mimi and Papa).  Ellie loved picking out candy, and she was even more excited to give away candy to trick-or-treaters at our house.  We like that she can balance greed with generosity!

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