
Archive for September, 2013

4-year-old stats


These cuties had their 4-year well visits this week. Each boy got to go with me on a separate day. It’s amusing to see their differences in handling the experiences. Jack was fairly talkative and active. He was very upset by the shots. Thomas was very quiet and reserved, which is completely out of character for him. He was so set in not being expressive that he didn’t make a peep during the shots…as if to prove a point. James was very sweet and agreeable. He started getting nervous about the shots early on after having heard back reports from the other two and remembering the fateful visit a few months ago when all if them got shots and were screaming. James cried and begged the nurse not to give the shots to him. Once the shots were done, he stopped crying.

Thankfully, all are well and there are no concerns.

Here are their growth stats:
Jack: 39in (25%); 33lb (21%)
Thomas: 40.5in (49%); 37lb (56%)
James: 40.75in (55%); 37lb (56%)

All of these stats and the differences between them are obvious to us. Good to have it confirmed.

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